Adaptive and
Maladaptive Behavior Scales
By Brad
Hill (SIB-R and ICAP author)
The Scales of
Independent Behavior - Revised (SIB-R), the
Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales,
the AAMR Adaptive Behavior Scales
(ABS) and the Inventory for Client and Agency
Planning (ICAP) are the most widely used
adaptive behavior assessments in the United States.
Their popularity is owed largely to their usefulness and
accuracy, derived from quality standardization and
norming. The following pages describe and compare these
four tests. Unless otherwise mentioned, information
comes from the tests' manuals.
are everyday living skills such as walking, talking,
getting dressed, going to school, going to work,
preparing a meal, cleaning the house, etc. They are
skills that a person learns in the process of adapting
to his/her surroundings. Since adaptive behaviors are
for the most part developmental, it is possible to
describe a person's adaptive behavior as an
age-equivalent score. An average five-year-old, for
example, would be expected to have adaptive behavior
similar to that of other five-year-olds.
problems, often called
maladaptive behaviors, are behaviors that interfere with
everyday activities. Good adaptive behavior and a lack
of behavior problems promote independence at home, at
school, and in the community. Behavior problems are much
more difficult to quantify than adaptive behaviors are,
because they are not very developmental and because
their expression varies more from day-to-day and from
setting-to-setting. Behavior problems do not increase or
decrease steadily with age. Nevertheless they can be
measured reliably.
The purpose
of measuring adaptive and maladaptive behavior is
usually either for diagnosis or for program planning.
The diagnosis of mental retardation, for example,
requires deficits in both cognitive ability and
adaptive behavior, occurring before age 18. Adaptive
behavior assessment is also used to determine the type
and amount of special assistance that people with
disabilities may need. This assistance might be in the
form of home-based support services for infants and
children and their families, special education and
vocational training for young people, and supported work
or special living arrangements such as personal care
attendants, group homes, or nursing homes for adults.
Adaptive behavior assessments are often used in
preschool and special education programs for determining
eligibility, for program planning, and for assessing
is the process of developing a test that reliably and
validly measures a specific dimension of behavior. It
involves trying out items and analyzing them; revising
or discarding those that don't work, adding items where
there are gaps in difficulty, and reanalysis. It also
involves developing standard testing procedures and
materials. The result should be a test that reliably
measures the same thing the same way each time, so that
scores are comparable. A standardized test should also
demonstrate validity, meaning that it actually measures
what it portends to measure. A test score should
correlate with something in the real world.
is the process of determining average scores for average
people. Many tests are standardized, but few are normed
because norming is an expensive process which usually
means testing hundreds or thousands of carefully
selected individuals -- school children throughout the
U.S., for example. Norms are important because they help
give test scores meaning - something to compare to. A
raw score of 7, for example doesn't mean much. It means
more to know that a score is at the 50th percentile for
an individual of a certain age.
In norming, a large
number of individuals are given a standardized test in
order to determine average (normal) test scores, often
averages for each age or other sub-group. This permits
test scores to be compared to average, to each other on
a relative basis, or to scores on other normed tests.
The three major types of norm scores are age scores,
percentiles, and standard scores.
Tests can be normed on
more narrowly defined populations, although the
usefulness of these scores varies with the definition of
the norm group. "Developmentally disabled adults," for
example, can range from profoundly mentally retarded to
almost average. Norms on such a loosely defined group
are equally loosely defined. Therefore the following
comparisons differentiate norms for average
non-handicapped individuals from data on supplemental
standardization groups of people with handicaps.
Scales Compared
This paper compares the
four most widely used tests of adaptive and maladaptive
behavior. Each test relies on a respondent such as a
parent, teacher, or care-provider to provide information
about an individual being assessed. With some tests
respondents are interviewed; with other tests
respondents fill out a response booklet directly.
The Scales of
Independent Behavior (SIB-R), revised in 1996,
is distinguished by several features. It contains an
excellent behavior problem scale in addition to its
adaptive behavior assessment, and provides a unique
score which reflects overall independence based on
adaptive and maladaptive behavior combined. It has norms
that extend beyond adolescence -- from 3 months to over
80 years. It can be administered either as a
questionnaire or as a carefully structured interview,
with special materials to aid the interview process. It
has a short form, a short form for children, and a short
form adapted for individuals who are blind.
The Vineland
Adaptive Behavior Scales, a revision of the
original Vineland Social Maturity Scale, are
distinguished by their heritage as well as by good norms
and psychometrics. The Vineland assesses personal and
social skills, with norms up to 18 years old. Two
interview editions, one with 577 items, the other with
297, gather information through semi-structured
interviews. Both include a Motor Skills Domain for
children less than 6 years old and an optional
Maladaptive Behavior Domain for children age 5 through
The Vineland Manual
states that the Survey and Expanded forms must be
administered by a psychologist, social worker, or other
professional with a graduate degree and training in
interview techniques. Although the assessment booklets
are quite straight-forward and well organized (adaptive
items are ordered by difficulty and scored never,
sometimes, or usually), the interview process is
somewhat complex and time-consuming. The interviewer is
instructed to never read items to a respondent and to
never permit a respondent to read any of the items, but
rather to ask general questions followed by further
probes when necessary. Appendices (26 and 52 pages)
describe scoring criteria for each item. A similarly
administered maladaptive behavior section contains a
list of 27 minor maladaptive behaviors such as Sucks
thumb or fingers. Nine more serious behaviors, not
normed for non-handicapped individuals, can be scored by
frequency and noted for informational purposes as
severe or moderate.
The Vineland also offers
a Classroom form for children age 3 through 12. This
form is a questionnaire booklet that is completed
directly by a teacher. Administration of this form,
which has a smaller standard error of measurement than
the interview forms, requires neither interview training
nor a graduate degree. The Classroom Form does not
include a maladaptive behavior component.
The AAMR Adaptive
Behavior Scale 2nd edition (AAMR ABS) was
developed by the American Association on Mental
Retardation, the oldest professional organization
devoted to mental retardation in the United States. Its
adaptive behavior scale is available in two forms -- one
for School, the other Residential and Community
Settings. Both versions assess the manner in which
individuals cope with the natural and social demands of
their environment.
The AAMR ABS adaptive
behavior domains have two types of items, either "circle
the highest level" or "yes/no." Some items are worded
negatively, and can be somewhat confusing. A child who
uses a napkin, for example, would be rated "no" on the
item Does not use a napkin." Maladaptive
behavior items are rated never, occasionally, or
frequently. There is, however, no measure of relative
severity. Items such as Blames own mistakes on
others receives the same weight as Chokes
The unidimensionality of
several AAMR ABS domains is questionable. A
unidimensional scale is one that measures a single
dimension of knowledge or behavior, important in order
to define what is being measured. A mathematics test
score would be difficult or impossible to interpret if
the test included a smattering of social studies
questions. Likewise the AAMR Physical Development Domain
score, to pick one example, is difficult to interpret
because in addition to items on balance, walking,
running, and arm-hand use, are items on vision and
hearing, all scored together.
The Inventory for
Client and Agency Planning (ICAP) is a 16 page
booklet that, in addition to measuring adaptive and
maladaptive behavior, also gathers a compact but
comprehensive set of information about an individual's
demographic characteristics, diagnoses, support services
needed and received, and social/leisure activities.
Scoring and database software prints reports and
maintains current and historical information on up to
10,000 clients as well.
The ICAP's adaptive and
maladaptive behavior sections contain items selected
from the SIB-R, described above, with norms for infants
through adults. Like the SIB-R, the ICAP also yields a
Service Score, a combined measure of adaptive and
maladaptive behavior indicative of overall need for
care, supervision, or training. Because the ICAP is
shorter than the SIB-R, its reliability is slightly
less, but still excellent when compared to other scales.