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Best Websites in Psychology
Featuring the Best of the Best  Ψ


Best* Web Sites in Psychology

APA | HelpCenter | Find A Psychologist | Topics
American Psychological Association

Best of the Best - by Dr. William E. Benet
(To be recognized as a Best of the Best site, a website must meet two of the following three requirements: information is well-documented, the site provider's expertise and/or credentials are described, the site is HON-accredited. Sites receiving this distinction are reviewed and selected by Dr. William E. Benet.) 

HON accreditation identifies websites that are committed to providing credible, reliable health information.

Best Web Sites in Psychology
By William E. Benet, PhD, PsyD
Psychology sites, journals and resources for colleges, teachers and students.

American Psychological Association | Topics Ψ
The professional association of American psychologists
(Capsule comment: authoritative, well-documented)

American Psychological Society
Dedicated to the advancement of scientific psychology

Psychology on the Web by Douglas Degelman, PhD
(Capsule comment: comprehensive, includes featured sites)

Assessment Psychology Online Ψ
by William E. Benet, PhD, PsyD
(Capsule comment: comprehensive, assessment & testing, HON-accredited)

Classics in the History of Psychology
by Christopher D. Green, PhD
(Capsule comment: seminal full-text psychology classics)

Encyclopedia of Psychology Ψ
Department of Psychology, Jacksonville State University
(Capsule comment: comprehensive, well-maintained)

Internet Mental Health
by Phillip W. Long, MD
(Capsule comment: comprehensive list of behavioral science journals) - Articles, Research & Resources Ψ
by Kenneth S. Pope, PhD, ABPP
(Capsule comment: eclectic, with an emphasis on assessment & ethics)

Mental Help Net Ψ
A CenterSite information resource
(Capsule comment: comprehensive, well-organized, HON-accredited)

Mental Health America
Formerly National Mental Health Association

National Institute of Mental Health Ψ
National Institutes of Health
(Capsule comment: comprehensive, authoritative, HON-accredited)

PsychCentral Ψ
by John Grohol, PsyD
(Capsule comment: comprehensive, well-documented, HON-accredited)

Psychology Directory
Categorized links by topics in psychology

Psychology Information Online
by Donald J. Franklin, PhD
(Capsule comment: includes nation-wide practitioner directory)

Psychology Online
by Marcia Wehr, PhD
(Capsule comment: eclectic, interesting, list of Top Ten sites)
Psychotherapy videos, articles, humor, CE credits
by Victor Yalom, PhD

Psych Web Ψ
by Russell A. Dewey, PhD
(Capsule comment: comprehensive, with resources for students)

Social Psychology Network Ψ
by Scott Plous, PhD
(Capsule comment: primarily social and personality psychology, comprehensive and well-organized)

Social Science Information Gateway (SOSIG) Ψ
UK Resource Discovery Network
(Capsule comment: selective, for researchers and practitioners)

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"I would like to thank you for maintaining this resource at as it has been of great help to me in my studies."--JT (2009)

Top 10 Psychology Web Sites
 A survey by Simon Rego, PhD, Internet Section Editor
APA Division 12 Clinical Psychology

The Clinical Psychologist (APA Division 12) 60 (2), p. 7, lists the results of a survey to identify the top 10 psychology
Web sites used by psychologists.

Simon Rego, PhD, the Division's Internet section editor, posted a message on a number of psychology Internet lists asking members to send him their favorite 'go to' websites for information and resources in psychology. Here are the results:
  1. Kenneth S. Pope, PhD
    This site provides free full-text articles and other resources on assessment, therapy, and forensics.
  2. National Institute of Mental Health
    This site provides information from the Federal agency that conducts and supports research on mental illnesses.
  3. American Psychological Association
    Official web site of the world's largest professional association of psychologists.
  4. PsychCentral
    By John M. Grohol, Psy.D., this site claims to be the Internet's largest and oldest mental health social network created and run by mental health professionals to provide reliable, trusted information and support communities for consumers.
  5. WebMD
    Describes itself as "The leading source for trustworthy and timely health and medical news and information."
  6. Anxiety Disorders Association of America
    This site offers complete information on anxiety, as well as a special section on teen anxiety.
  7. Academy of Cognitive Therapy
    This site offers information about cognitive therapy and training, and how to become certified as a cognitive therapist.
  8. Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies
    This site provides CEU, CME, and other educational
    opportunities; journals for research and clinical practice in behavioral therapy and cognitive-behavioral therapy; and referrals for those seeking psychological therapy.
  9. Obsessive Compulsive Foundation
    The OCF is an international not-for-profit organization composed of people with obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) and related disorders, and their families, friends, professionals and other concerned individuals.
  10. Wikipedia
    Describes itself as "The biggest multilingual free-content encyclopedia on the Internet. Over two million articles and still growing."

Selected Mental Health Web Sites
Rank ordered by number of web pages with domain name citations using Google Search*

  Mental Health Web Sites

Domain  Citations











American Psychological Association Ψ

Psychology Today

PsychCentral Ψ

National Institute of Mental Health Ψ

American Psychological Society

American Psychiatric Association

Mental Health America

Encyclopedia of Psychology Ψ

Internet Mental Health

Mental Help Net Ψ











*updated October, 2008

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