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Psychological Tests in Current Use
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ETS Test Collection Database

Cognitive Tests

Beery-Buktenica Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration, Fifth Edition

2004 The Beery-Buktenica Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration (VMI), Fifth Edition, is a developmental sequence of geometric forms to be copied on paper with pencil. The purposes of the VMI are to help identify, through early screening, children who may need special assistance, to obtain needed services, to test the effectiveness of educational and other interventions, and to advance research. The short form has 21 items and is for children 2-7 years of age. The full form has 30-items and can be either group or individually administered in 10-15 minutes for ages 2-18. The 2004 edition has two supplemental tests, VMI Visual Perception and VMI Motor Coordination. Reliability and validity are discussed and norms are provided. Also included in this edition are norms for two-year old children; 600 developmental stepping stones norms for birth through age six and visual-motor teaching methods from birth through early elementary school. (JW)

Beery-Buktenica Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration, Fourth Edition

1997 The Beery-Buktenica Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration (VMI) is a developmental sequence of geometric forms to be copied with paper and pencil. The purposes of the VMI are to help identify, through early screening, children who may need special assistance, to obtain needed services, to test the effectiveness of educational and other interventions, and to advance research. There is an 18-item version for ages 3 to 7, and a 27-item version for use with preschool children through adults. The 1996 edition has two supplemental tests, VMI Visual Perception and VMI Motor Coordination. Reliability and validity are discussed and norms are provided. (JW)

Bender Visual-Motor Gestalt Test - Second Edition

2003 The Bender Visual-Motor Gestalt Test, Second Edition (Bender-Gestalt II) was designed to measure visual-motor integration skills in children and adults from 4 to 85 + years of age. It may be used as an aid in diagnosing the difficulties of emotionally disturbed and brain damage. it requires the copying of designs. The second edition has seven new designs to increase the ability range. A recall phase and two supplementary tests (the Motor Test and the Perception Test) have been added. New Norms are provided. There is no time limit. Reliability and validity are discussed.

Bender Visual Motor Gestalt Test For Children

1962 Provides an index of structural and functional aspects of perceptual motor development. Uses the same BVMGT figures. Used as an aid in diagnosing the difficulties of emotionally disturbed children and identifying organic brain damage. Requires copying of nine designs. These nine figures were adapted from the original Wertheimer (1921) version which required only a verbal description of the figures. The figures were simplified and adapted to accentuate particular Gestalt figures.

Stanford Binet Intelligence Scale - Fifth Edition

2003 The SBS may be used to diagnose development disabilities, to research clinical and neuropsychological assessment, abilities, early childhood, special education placements, adult social security and worker's compensation evaluations. It provides information for interventions such as individual family plans, individual educational plans, career assessment, work transition, career change, employee selection and adult neuropsychological treatment. It may be useful in a variety of forensic contexts. It has been used to diagnose mental retardation, learning disabilities, developmental cognitive delays in young children, as well as placement of students in school programs for the intellectually gifted. The examiner must be professionally trained and certified. Reliability and validity are discussed.

The Stanford Binet, Fifth Edition (SB5) is an individually administered assessment of intelligence and cognitive abilities. It is appropriate for examinees ages 2 through 85+ years. The complete scale consists of 10 subtests: 5 verbal and 5 nonverbal. It takes 15 -75 minutes to administer depending on the scale administered. Differences in this edition include: five factors rather than four (fluid reasoning, knowledge, quantitative reasoning, visual-spatial processing and working memory). Half of the subtests use a nonverbal mode of testing. New Items include very low and very high discriminating items.

Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale, Fourth Edition, Nonverbal Short Form

1991 A nonverbal short form of the Stanford Binet Intelligence Scale, Fourth Edition (TC 014823). Instrument is comprised of five subtests of the fourth edition which were determined to require the least amount of verbal response. The subtests are: Bead Memory, Pattern Analysis, Copying, Memory for Objectives, and Matrices. Short form is intended for use with hearing impaired, speech/language disabled, and limited English proficient individuals and was standardized using a sample of individuals in the 2 through 23 year age range. Technical data are included.

Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale, Fourth Edition

1986 This revision of the 1972 edition is individually administered to children from below age 2 through superior adults. Tests cover four major areas: verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, abstract/visual reasoning, and short-term memory. Scores include raw scores and scaled scores for each of the 15 subtests, scaled scores and percentile ranks for a composite of the four area scores, a composite of any combination of the four area scores and a profile of all 15 subtests, based on scaled scores. Separate norms are provided for each score. A pretest is administered to identify the level at which to begin testing. The test is said to have minimal sex or ethnic bias. The examiner must be professionally trained and certified. Adult norms are for the age 18-23 group. Other norms are available for demographic groups based on parental education, occupation, community size, gender, racial/ethnic groups. Scores corresponding to IQ's are called "standard age scores".

Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale - Third Edition

1997 The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, Third Edition is an individually administered clinical instrument designed to assess the intellectual ability of adults ages 16 through 89. WAIS-III consists of various subtests, each measuring a different facet of intelligence. The test yields the three traditional composite IQ scores - verbal, performance, and full scale - and four index scores - verbal comprehension, perceptual organization, working memory, and processing speed. WAIS-III contains 14 subtests: picture completion, vocabulary, digit symbol-coding, similarities, block design, arithmetic, matrix reasoning, digit-span, information, picture arrangement, comprehension, symbol search, letter-number sequencing, and object assembly. The WAIS-III can be used as a psychoeducational test for secondary and postsecondary school planning and placement and also for differential diagnosis of neurological and psychiatric disorders that affect mental functioning. (MH)

Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, Fourth Edition

2003 The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children--Fourth Edition (WISC-IV) is an individually administered, comprehensive clinical instrument for assessing the intelligence of children from 6-16. It provides composite socres that represent intellectual functioning in verbal comprehension, perceptual reasoning, working memory and processing speed as well as a composite score that represents a child's general intellectual ability. Subtests include: block design, similarities, digit span, picture concepts, coding, vocabulary, letter-number sequencing, matrix reasoning, comprehension and symbol search. Supplemental subtests include: picture completion, cancellation, information, arithmetic, and word reasoning. It differs from WISC-III in that three subtests were dropped: picture arrangement, object assembly and mazes. Item content, administration and scoring procedures of all subtests were revised. Five new subtests were added: picture concepts, letter-number sequencing, matrix reasoning, and word reasoning.

Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, Third Edition

1991 A clinical instrument for assessing the intellectual ability of children ages 6 through 16 years. Comprised of 12 subtests retained from the Wechsler Intelligence Scale For Children - Revised (WISC-R), with a new subtest, Symbol Search. Subtests are organized into two groups: the verbal and the perceptual-motor, or performance. Developed to retain most of the features of the WISC-R but also contains improvements. These improvements include: full-color artwork, the Stimulus Booklet containing the Block Design, Arithmetic, and Picture Completion Subtests. Wording was revised on some items. Outdated items were deleted and ethnicity and gender references were balanced. Biased items were also revised. Provides current normative data.

Wechsler Memory Scale, Third Edition

1997 The Wechsler Memory Scale, Third Edition (WMS-III) is an individually administered battery of learning, memory, and working memory measures. WMS-III is designed for use with older adolescents and adults ranging in age from 16 to 89 years. The test consists of 11 subtest, with 6 primary subtests and 5 optional subtests. The primary subtests are: logical memory, verbal paired associates, letter-number sequencing, faces, family pictures, and spatial span. The primary subtests can be administered in approximately 30-35 minutes. The optional subtests are: information and orientation, word lists, mental control, digit span, and visual reproduction. WMS-II was designed to provide relevant information for general clinical and neuropsychological evaluations and for rehabilitation evaluations. (MH)

Wide Range Achievement Test - 4

2006 The Wide Range Achievement Test 4 (WRAT4) is a norm-referenced test that measures the basic academic skills using four subtests: word reading, sentence comprehension, spelling, and math computation. Word reading measures letter and word decoding through letter identification and word recognition. Sentence comprehension measures an individual's ability to gain meaning from words and to comprehend ideas and information contained in sentences through the use of a modified cloze technique. Spelling measures an individual's ability to encode sounds into written form through the use of a dictated spelling format containing both letters and words. Math computation measures an individual's ability to perform basic mathematics computations through counting, identifying numbers, solving oral problems, and calculating written mathematics problems. The test can be administered to individuals ranging in age from 5 through 94 years old. The WRAT4 is most often administered individually but some of the subtests or section

Wide Range Achievement Test - 3

1993 The Wide Range Achievement Test, Revision 3 (WRAT3), has returned to a single level format for use with all individuals aged 5-75. Two alternate test forms (BLUE and TAN) continue to provide the three subtests: reading, spelling and arithmetic. The purpose of the test is to measure the codes needed to learn the basic skills of reading, spelling, and arithmetic. It was designed to eliminate as much as possible the effects of comprehension. Norms and reliability data are provided. Absolute scores, standard scores and grade scores are provided for each of the three subtest areas. When used in conjunction with a test measuring general intelligence which has the same standard deviation units, it can be use to help determine learning ability or learning disability. (JW)

Woodcock-Johnson III, Tests of Achievement

2001 Woodcock-Johnson III (WJ III) consists of two co-normed batteries: Tests of Achievement and Tests of Cognitive Abilities. The two batteries assess general intellectual ability, specific cognitive abilities, oral language and academic achievement. The tests can be used with a population ranging in age from 2 years to 80+ years. The achievement battery is available as a standard battery comprising 12 tests or an extended battery that has 10 tests that provide more in-depth diagnostic information on specific academic strengths and weaknesses. The achievement tests are primarily organized into five broad curricular areas: reading, oral language, mathematics, writing and academic knowledge. The test is also available in two forms, form A and form B, that have parallel content. (MH)

Woodcock-Johnson III, Tests of Cognitive Abilities

2001 Woodcock-Johnson III consists of two co-normed batteries: Tests of Achievement and Tests of Cognitive Abilities. The two batteries assess general intellectual ability, specific cognitive abilities, oral language, and academic achievement. The tests can be used with a population ranging in age from 2 years through 80+ years. The Tests of Cognitive Abilities is comprised of a standard battery (tests 1-10) and an extended battery (tests 11 - 20). The tests assess the following cognitive factors: verbal ability, thinking ability, cognitive efficiency, and supplemental. (MH)

Personality Tests

Projective Tests

Rorschach Inkblot Test

1951-1970 Scoring techniques for Rorschach Test including Davis Rorschach Miniature Location Charts in Color: Bruno Klopfer Scoring Areas; Beck's scoring method; Frequency Tables for Scoring Rorschach Responses by Marguerite Hertz; and Leonard Small's Rorschach Location and Scoring Manual. These techniques are individually available from the publisher.

Rorschach Interpretive System

               A scoring method allowing for the input of raw Rorschach data gathered by physician or clinical and interpretation via a scoring system by John E. Exner. A narrative report and a record of the raw data are provided. Narratives describe psychological state, trait characteristics, and defense mechanisms. Part of a software package compatible with IBM, DEC and COMPAQ hardware as of this writing. It is part of a package with 28 instruments and hardware. The system is designed to administer, score, interpret or supply results of testing within a few minutes. For further information on the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Revised, see TC 009048.

House-Tree-Person Projective Technique

1947-1966 Designed to aid clinician in obtaining information concerning an individual's sensitivity, maturity, flexibility, efficiency, degree of personality integration, and interaction with the environment. Subject is asked to draw pictures of a house, a tree, and a person. Subject is given an opportunity to explain the drawings.

Kinetic Drawing System for Family and School

1985 A projective technique, used to help understand the dynamics of self growth in family and school. Composed of two separate instruments: the Kinetic Family Drawing (KFD) and Kinetic School Drawing (KSD) in which the child or adolescent is asked to draw a picture of relevant school or family figures doing something. The examiner then attempts to clarify the child's drawings and to investigate the covert processes which affected them. Can be used as an "ice breaker technique" to facilitate child-examiner rapport, as a projective technique which investigates one aspect of an individual's personality and attitudes, or as a projective technique which assesses a child's perceptions of relationships among the child, peers, family, school, and significant others. Especially useful with children who have difficulty with verbal expression.

Thematic Apperception Test

1973 Designed to elicit interpretations by subject of social situations. Stories and descriptions of pictures reveal some of the dominant drives, emotions, sentiments, conflicts, and complexes of a personality. It is suggested that examinee review only ten pictures at each of two sessions. Bellak TAT Blank and Analysis Sheet may be used by the psychologist to provide a more definite frame of reference and a more objectively comparable scheme of interpretation.

Objective Tests

Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory - 2 | Short Forms

1989 MMPI-2 assesses major psychological characteristics that reflect an individual's social and personal maladjustment, including disabling psychological dysfunction. MMPI-2 test booklet is revised. National norms have been restandardized and are more representative of the present U.S. population. Scores from the restandardization subjects on eight of the Basic Clinical Scales are uniform T scores. New scales are offered that provide protocol validity; new content dimensions; and separate measures of masculine and feminine gender roles.

Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory - Form R

1966 Designed for use with adolescents and adults who have psychological or psychiatric difficulties. Provides clinical psychologist with information regarding treatment decisions and treatment evaluation. Identifies psychiatric symptomatology and personality dynamics. Form R consists of 566 true-false items which may be administered in approximately ninety minutes to an adolescent or adult with a minimum sixth-grade reading level. Also available for computer-administered testing from Integrated Professional Systems, 5211 Mahoning Avenue, Suite 135, Youngstown, OH 44515.

Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory - III

1994 The Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory III (MCMI-III) was designed to provide information to clinicians (psychologists, psychiatrists, counselors, Etc. ) who must make assessment and treatment decisions about individuals with emotional and interpersonal difficulties. Changes in version III include: the addition of one Clinical Personality Patterns scale, Depressive; the addition of a Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder scale; 95 new items were introduced to replace 95 items in MCMI-II; the item weighting system was changed . The assessment has 175 items, written at the eighth-grade reading level. Most patients can complete the assessment in 20 to 30 minutes. It is normed entirely on clinical samples and norms are applicable only to individuals who evidence psychological problems or who are engaged in a program of professional psychotherapy or psychodiagnostic evaluation. (JW)

Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory - II

1987 A revision of the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (TC 005 805) which provides information to clinicians who must make assessments and treatment decisions about persons with emotional and interpersonal difficulties. Meant to be used for diagnostic screening or clinical assessment in a wide variety of settings; and is therefore simple to administer, with rapid computer scoring and interpretation. Special population norms have been developed, including those for black and Hispanic patients. Translations available for many foreign languages. Changes from the original include adding two new personality disorder scales, the addition of three "modifier" scales, replacing 45 items, introducing an item-weighting system, and modifying interpretation texts to reflect changes in the instrument's theory and advances in knowledge.

Millon Adolescent Clinical Inventory

1993 The Millon Adolescent Clinical Inventory (MACI) is a replacement for the Millon Adolescent Personality Inventory. It is a 160-item 31-scale, self-report inventory designed specifically for assessing adolescent personality characteristics and clinical syndromes. It was developed for clinical, residential, and correctional settings for the evaluation of troubled adolescents, and may be used for developing diagnoses and treatment plans as an outcomes measure. Four new Personality Patterns scales have been added: doleful, forceful, self-demeaning; and borderline tendency. In the Expressed Concerns Area the academic confidence scale was deleted and childhood abuse scale was added. In the Clinical Syndromes area these new scales were added: eating dysfunctions, substance-abuse proneness, anxious feelings, depressive affect, and suicidal tendency. Procedures were added for correcting distortion effects. Only 49 items were retained from the Million Adolescent Inventory (MAI)

Millon Adolescent Personality Inventory.

1982 Designed for use by school counselors, guidance personnel and other mental health professionals as an aid in identifying, predicting, and understanding a wide range of psychological attributes characteristic of adolescents. May be used upon entrance into school or as one component of a testing program for vocational and academic counseling, as well as in mental health service agencies for adolescent clinical assessment. Answer sheets are machine scored and provide a profile report and an interpretive report on respondents. The subtest sections fall into three main areas: personality styles (eight personality patterns); expressed concerns (eight scales); and behavioral correlates (four scales). For qualifications necessary to use the inventory, consult the manual. Two forms are available.

Tests of Adaptive Functioning

Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales, Second Edition

2005 The Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales, Second Edition is a measure of personal and social skills of people ranging in age from birth to age 90. It is used with special needs populations, such as individuals with mental retardation, autism spectrum disorder, ADHD, Asperger Syndrome, and developmental delays. The test is organized in a three domain structure: communication (receptive, expressive, written); daily living skills (personal, domestic, community); and socialization (interpersonal relationships, play and leisure time, coping skills). There is also a motor skills domain and an optional maladaptive behavior index. The test is available in four formats: survey interview form, parent/caregiver rating form, expanded interview form, and teacher rating form.

*Source: Ball, J. D.; Archer, Robert P.; Imhof, Eric A. (1994). Time Requirements of Psychological Testing: A Survey of Practitioners. Journal of Personality Assessment, 63(2), 239-249. See Psychological Tests.

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