report from the Supervisory Psychologist
American Mensa
Mensa is often considered an "expert" source of
information on intelligence and IQ testing. Dr. Abbie
Salny, Mensa's supervisory psychologist for 23 years, is
the organization's spokesperson on these matters. The
following paragraphs are Dr. Salny's answers to some of
the most frequently asked questions as excerpted from
the Mensa Bulletin, Mensa's monthly member
History of IQ
The French
government had commissioned a man named Binet to devise
a test that would enable the school authorities to
determine which students "could but wouldn´t" and which
"just couldn´t." Thus, the first intelligence test was
born. In the 1920s, Lewis Terman tested hundreds of
children in the California public schools. He was a
professor at Stanford University and had worked on the
American version of the Binet test, which became the
Stanford-Binet. At the time, tests were established for
each age level. The IQ was determined by dividing mental
age by chronological age, moving the decimal point two
places to the right, and adding one or two zeros as
necessary. This was truly a quotient. However, "IQ" is
now a misnomer - the score has been read from a
standardized table for the past 60 years. A percentile
rank, which Mensa uses, is the correct designation.
What is
a genius?
It has
been said that a 140 IQ is a "genius" score, however
there is no definition, as such, in either of my
psychological dictionaries about "genius." Neither is
there an IQ score ranked as "genius." That 140 IQ is
actually a misunderstanding. To continue Terman's story,
he tested these hundreds of children, picked those with
IQs above 140 (on the scale then in use) and proceeded
to do a longitudinal study. From this beginning and
subsequent publication of the books reporting on the
study, the magic figure of IQ 140 came into play and
current usage. The IQs of some well-known individuals
have been called "genius," such as a book that claimed
IQs of 180 and 200 for Alexander Pope and Charles
Darwin. However, this is hardly likely, as they died
long before the first intelligence test was produced.
How can
different tests qualify for Mensa membership?
For Mensa,
an applicant must achieve a score at the 98th percentile
on a standardized, supervised intelligence test or
equivalent. The 98th percentile is two standard
deviations* above the mean (rounded off). The
Stanford-Binet and many school tests have a mean of 100
and a standard deviation of 16, so Mensa's qualifying
score is 132. On the other hand, the Cattell IIIB and
the Raven´s Advanced Progressive Matrices (old form)
have a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 24. Mensa
requires a score of 148 for these tests. The score of
148 represents exactly the same 98th percentile. An IQ
score means nothing without the name of the test by
which it was determined. I read of a woman who said that
her son had an IQ of 178. Actually, he had taken the old
Cattell IIIB, and that 178 IQ is equivalent to 152 IQ on
the Stanford-Binet.
*Standard deviation is a mathematically determined
figure to account for variances from the average.
there really any true geniuses?
Genius may
be in the eye of the beholder. Furthermore, a true
genius may not score particularly well on a standard
group IQ test. We know a Nobel Prize winner who never
scored at Mensa level on a school IQ test - he was too
busy seeing all the alternate possibilities for each
answer. At the present time, all IQ scores are read off
of tables. Now there are almost no tests in use that
will give extraordinary high IQs except those with very
large standard deviations. And really, those who are
what we may call a genius don't need a score to prove
F. Salny, Ed.D.
Supervisory Psychologist, American Mensa
Dr. Abbie F. Salny
Abbie F. Salny, Ed.D., a Mensa member since 1964,
was the supervisory psychologist of Mensa International
and American Mensa for 23 years and is currently
honorary president of Mensa International. She is a
retired professor and deputy chairman of the Psychology
Department at Montclair (N.J.) State University, a
diplomate of the American Board of Professional
Psychology, and the author or co-author of several
best-selling quiz and puzzle books including the Mensa
Genius Quiz Book series. Dr. Salny is also the creator
of the 1997, ´98, ´99, and 2000 Mensa Page-A-Day
calendars published by Workman. Dr. Salny lives in New
Jersey with her husband, Jerry, who is also a member of