Test Developer Profiles
From Cohen,
Ronald Jay (1999)
Psychological Testing and
Assessment, 4th Ed.
Out of print - The 2004 edition is available
shown at right
Ch. 1
E. Paul Torrance, Ph.D.
Ch. 2
Ana Muñoz-Sandoval, Ed.D.
Ch. 3
Bruce Albert Bracken, Ph.D
Ch. 4
Glen E. Roberts, Ph.D.
Ch. 5
Thomas E. Brown, Ph.D.
Ch. 6
Aaron T. Beck, M.D.
Ch. 7
Kenneth W. Merrell, Ph.D.
Ch. 8
Alfred Binet
David Wechsler, Ph.D.
Ch. 9
Jack A. Naglieri, Ph.D.
Ch. 10
Alan S. Kaufman, Ph.D.
Nadeen L. Kaufman, Ed.D.
Ch. 11
Starke Rosecrans Hathaway, Ph.D.
James Butcher, Ph.D.
W. Grant Dahlstrom, Ph.D.
John R Graham, Ph.D.
Auke Tellegan, Ph.D. (not
Ch. 12
Hermann Rorschach, M.D.
Henry A. Murray, M.D., Ph.D.
Christina D. Morgan
Ch. 13
Richard Rogers, Ph.D., ABPP
Theodore Millon, Ph.D., D.Sc.
David Rapaport, Ph.D.
Ch. 14
Lauretta Bender, M.D.
Ch. 15
Ann E. Boehm, Ph.D.
Ch. 16
Christina Maslach, Ph.D.
Ch. 17
Joseph P. Santoro, Ph.D.
Internet only
Judith Meyers, Psy.D. (not
Edward S. Kubany, Ph.D.
in the History of Psychology
Christopher D. Green, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychology
York University, Toronto, Canada |
Binet, Alfred.
New methods for the diagnosis of the
intellectual level of subnormals. In
E. S. Kite (Trans.), The development
of intelligence in children.
(Originally published 1905 in L'Année
12, 191-244.)
Description of Binet's approach in
intelligence testing, and of the
original version of the most influential
of all intelligence tests.
to Binet (1905/1916) by Henry L. Minton.
on Binet (1905/1916) and Terman (1916) by
Henry L. Minton
Terman, Lewis M.
The uses of intelligence tests. From
The measurement of intelligence (chapter
1). Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
Major statement of Terman's
approach to intelligence testing.
to Terman (1916) by Henry L. Minton.
on Binet (1905/1916) and Terman (1916)
by Henry L. Minton.
Thurstone, L. L.
The vectors of mind. Psychological
Review, 41, 1-32.
Thurstone's extension of
Spearman's work on g to a
multi-factorial model of mental abilities.
Historical Influences
From Plucker, J. A., Editor
Human Intelligence: Historical
Indiana University
Interactive Map
Anastasi, Anne
Aquinas, Thomas
Augustine of Hippo
Bingham. Walter
Binet, Alfred
Burt, Cyril
Cattell, James McKeen
Cattell, Psyche
Cattell, Raymond
Carroll, John
Charcot, Jean-Martin
Darwin, Charles
Duff, William
Ebbinghaus, Hermann
Edison, Thomas
Esquirol, Jean
Eysenck, Hans
Freud, Sigmund
Galton, Francis
Gardner, Howard
Gauss, Karl
Goddard, Henry
Goodenough, Florence
Guilford, J. P.
Hall, G. S.
Hobbes, Thomas
Hollingworth, Leta
Hollingworth, Harry
Huarte, Juan
Hunt, J. McVicker
Inhelder, Barbel
Itard, Jean Marc
James, William
Jensen, Arthur
Kamin, Leon
Kant, Immanuel
LaPlace, Simon
Locke, John
Mill, John Stuart
McNemar, Quinn
McDougall, William
Pascal, Blaise
Pearson, Karl
Piaget, Jean
Renzulli, Joseph
Simon, Theodore
Smith, Adam
Spearman, Charles
Stern, William
Sternberg, Robert
Symond, Percival
Taylor, Calvin
Terman, Lewis
Thomasius, Christian
Thorndike, Edward
Thorndike, Robert
Thurstone, L. L.
Thurstone, Thelma
Titchener, Edward
Vernon, Philip
Vygotsky, Lev
Wechsler, David
Wissler, Clark
Wundt, Wilhelm
Yerkes, Robert